Adventurer  - non GST Registered 


Back ground assistance to meet all requirements of book keeping and beyond

We convert the information you supply into a Profit and Loss and Give you monthly Reporting and assist with a virtual meeting once a month to keep you on track.  We offer guidance about compliance and business practice.

This is a stress free easy to access options to help keep your momentum where it needs to be - with your business.

Come and share your visions and we will hold the space with our Book Keeping to bring your figures on target for you.


Seeker - GST Registered

Practical Support as an online companion.  We take care of as much as we can while you take the reins.

As a Seeker you are super motivated to do all that you can to make your business 'boom'.  You will be in an intermediate positon in the journery of your business and know that the day to day functions can hinder your effectiveness.

We come and share the load and get you targeted towards your Goals.

Go-Getter - GST Registered


We can help with running your business.  We are your companion online anywhere in NZ.

We are your "Go-Getter" Companion.   You will  love to feel in control while you Go Get your Visions

We guide you in your business plans once a fortnight with a catch up and assist with compliance and year end.   On a daily basis we can assist with many of the day to day functions and leave you with just enough so you feel your finger is on the pulse. 

Entrepreneur - GST Registered

Premium - We do it all for you as a Virtual Back Office

We take care of it all so you can take care of your business, online (anywhere in NZ)  We do your coding, reconciliation, invoicing,  reporting weekly,  Financial Statements and Weekly Catch ups.  Wages, debtors and creditors and any other can be tailored to suit your needs .  We offer a unique approach to business performance and coaching. Bring your visions to us and we will implement practical steps and solutions to assist your drive to thrive.